


Introducing a New, Bizarre Way to Protect Yourself from EMF Radiation

Stop EMF Radiation from Paying Unsolicited Visits to Your Body — With HQRT Cards.

Scientifically proven to cancel up to 90.31% of harmful EMF waves, the HQRT card gives you a newfound peace of mind everywhere you go.


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EMF Radiation Is a Silent Killer that We Can’t Stay Silent About.


Every day, we’re bombarded by EMF radiation from the seemingly innocent things around us: mobile devices, home appliances, computers, your beloved TV, WiFi, cars, transmission towers, and many more — all of which pose serious dangers to our neurological health.


Problems associated with radiation exposure include:


• Stress

• Fatigue

• Headaches

• Nausea

• Memory loss


• Insomnia

• Restlessness

• Loss of concentration

• Depressive symptom


Sounds familiar? That’s what we thought. Altogether, these health issues disrupt your daily activities and work-life, and cost you tons of hard-earned money in healthcare expenses. You might find yourself feeling burnt out, unproductive, running behind things, always in that “not in the mood” mood when your friends ask you out. And we don’t blame you.


With the upcoming 5G revolution, more transmission towers and antennae systems will be set up in cities and even the very street you’re living in. Mobile usage will rocket and our bodies will be forced to tolerate rising levels of radiation by the day. In the long term, the cumulative impacts of EMF radiation can become lethal.


The HQRT card protects you from EMF radiation through a proprietary Harmonic Quantum Resonance Technology (HQRT) developed and manufactured in the Netherlands. Simply carry the half-inch-thick card in your wallet, pocket, phone case or work bag, and live each day feeling empowered to do the things you love with invaluable peace of mind.

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You might be wondering why everyone keeps saying “radiation” is sooo harmful.

Easy! Because It’s Not on the Same Frequency as You. (Literally)


Everything resonates at a certain vibrational frequency — even you. While you may not be wildly flailing your arms like an inflatable man at a car showroom, water that makes up 68% of our bodies is arranged in ‘waterclusters’ that vibrate at a natural, preset frequency. These watercluster structures form our key natural defence against EMF waves.


But the catch is, watercluster defences are fragile and break as they absorb EMF waves that vibrate at damaging, disharmonic frequencies over time. Increasing levels of EMF radiation accelerates this process, causing your cells to be fully exposed to waves that interfere with cellular processes, damage DNA, kill cells, and flatline living body tissues.



So, we created the Harmonic Quantum Resonance Technology…

The Breakthrough Science Behind HQRT Technology — Social Distancing EMF Waves from You.


Backed by years of extensive research and tests in a Netherland facility, the HQRT card is engineered to resonate at a harmonic frequency that restores your watercluster defence and eliminates up to 90.31% of incoming EMF radiation within a 10-foot radius. Enjoy all-round protection from harmful waves lurking everywhere you go.



It does not need electricity to work and is as compact as a half-inch-thick credit card so you can bring it anywhere, whether you’re surrounded by electronic devices at your work desk or sipping piña coladas in the Bahamas. Though it does not come with cash like a credit card does, the protection and peace of mind it provides is invaluable.


As we designed the HQRT card to protect you, we wanted it to protect our environment, too. So, to the tree-huggers and nature-lovers, this is for you… the HQRT card is made of 100% natural, non-toxic, recyclable materials. Ward off EMF waves and feel good knowing that you’re making the right choice for our earthly home.


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The Hidden Secret of the HQRT Card.


Now, everyone lean in very closely. We’re about to reveal a game-changing secret about the HQRT card that you never would have guessed correctly, even if we asked you to.


*cue drum roll* Revealing the HQRT’s hidden Twin Q-resonator


As fancy as it sounds, the Twin Q-resonator contains a special metal that resonates at a frequency that increases concentration, alleviates tension, reduces fatigue, and promotes healthy digestion. It is connected to two power strips concealed on the sides of the card.


To unleash its power, simply place your thumb on one and your index finger on the other to complete the connection. Under the influence of your own biomagnetic field, a ‘hyper-boost’ occurs in the Q-resonator, triggering it to act on your body so you can enjoy the advanced health benefits it has to offer.


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Order Your HQRT Card Today and Keep EMF Waves Away!


The HQRT card is not just a cool accessory to show off to your friends and colleagues — it’s a turning gear of the healthy lifestyle you strive to achieve. With this science-backed card by your side, you get to gain back control of your health, maximise productivity, and stay on top of your game while doing the things you love with the people you love.


Get your HQRT card today to start living the healthier, happier, EMF-free life you desire!


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Brought to you by:

Blade K. Ace

8 Mt Erin Rd

Ferny Creek

Victoria, Australia 3786